[Last update Feb 21, 2021]
This page contains information on the 3D printable model of the 'Moon Mobile' from the Gerry Anderson TV show 'UFO'.
The files I created allows the user to produce a scale model of the Moon Mobile as seen in the Gerry Anderson TV Show UFO. (The moon mobile was preceded by the similar Moon Hopper shown in Captain Scarlet & the Mysterons.) The model represents my interpretation of the model as seen in various screen captures and as modeled by others. Feel free to modify, enhance or otherwise change the model to your liking. NOTE: This model does not include files (other than the 4 foot pods) to produce the complex landing gear structure. It is assumed the hobbyist can construct that on their own using suitable materials such as brass rod and tubing. Please refer to the many photos available online for details.
These models are covered under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
I recommend you read the instructions before downloading or printing the files.
The files are available at Cults3d.com (for a nominal charge).
Here are some pictures of the assembled model minus some of the detail parts, finish paint and landing gear.
Here is a picture of the actual prop from a screen shot from 'UFO'.
Below is a shot of the parts that make up the model.